CITADELIC is highly commited to music, jazz, improvisation and performance...
with a summer festival in the park
and other programs at different locations
like SMAK, Atelier, Gravensteen, St-Anna, El Negocito ...
CITADELIC needs FRIENDS to keep on going ... so you can help us in these ways became our friend by making yourself * Citadelian I - you pay 10 euro * Citadelian II - you pay 25 euro * Citadelian III - you pay 50 euro * Citadelian IV - you pay 100 euro * Citadelian V - you pay 200 euro * Citadelian X - you pay 500 euro
how to get the funds to us Q'Onda? vzw
site made by MNDesign 2016 logo made by Dries Verstraete poster artwork copyright of MNDesign 2016 a Q'Onda? vzw production |