Citadelic festival 2023
Les Marquises ft. Mike Ladd (US/FR/BE)
urgente hip hop op de improv highway
De 2021-editie van het Franse Météo Music Festival in Mulhouse leverde een bijzonder optreden op van de Amerikaanse hiphopartiest-rapper-spoken word-artiest-dichter Mike Ladd met het duo van de Franse accordeon- en draaitafelspeler Emilie Škrijelj en de Belgische drummer Tom Malmendier (bekend als Les Marquises). Hun live optreden was getiteld The Kort'dakian Crisis en bood Ladds postfuturistische verhaal, geschreven tijdens de Covid-19 lockdown, over een denkbeeldig volk, de Kort'dakian, die hun planeet, The Othun Moon, moeten verdedigen tegen een vijandelijke aanval, geïnitieerd door het Xeno-volk.
Ladd, who has a deep interest in military history (check his album with pianist Vijay Iyer, Holding It Down: The Veterans’ Dreams Project, Pi, 2013), delivers a mythical story about fierce battles, courage and sacrifice that most likely will lead to oblivion, with urgent and arresting, charismatic pathos and great conviction. His powerful delivery may convince you instantly to believe in the reality of such a story, that, according to Ladd, can happen anywhere or elsewhere “in a flip of a coin”. This sci-fi story serves as a warning, just like the antics of the founder of the French green movement René Dumont, who was a candidate for the French presidency in 1974 with a message warning of an ecological disaster before most of us could comprehend the magnitude of such global crisis.
Škrijelj and Malmendier color Ladd’s impatient delivery of the story with a free improvised, imaginative, inventive and timeless soundtrack that keeps pushing and expanding the plot into deeper, unsettling outer regions. The interplay of Ladd, Škrijelj and Malmendier is totally organic, powerful and restless.
Eyal Hareuveni on the Salt peanuts Magazine
Mike Ladd - stem & poezie
met de geweldige steun van De Vlaamse Gemeenschap en de Stad Gent
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