hamster axis

 festival   CITADELIC #14
AUGUST 15 . 17H

hamster axis + josse de pauw
   energetic jazz laced with humor

The Antwerp jazz band Hamster Axis of the One-Click Panther houses top musicians with a very open mind. Moreover, they are not afraid to provide pop classics with a radically different, sometimes disconcerting arrangement. That is the starting point of the Hamsters Axis and for that they like to invite guests. At Citadelic 2017 they already unleashed Marcel Vantilth and Dadism on her audience. Now actor Josse De Pauw is on call.

josse de pauw . spoken word
lander van den noortgate . alto saxophone
andrew claes . tenor saxophone
bram weijters . piano
janos bruneel . double bas
frederik meulyzer . drums



other concerts on 15.08


contemporary art on 15.08

12H - 16H      artistic intervention marie peeters
12H - 20H      performance bart van dijck: wat het vuur brengt
15H - 19H      performance johanna van overmeir : achtste rust

installations by bart van dijck, katinka de jonge, roeland tweelinckx, nathalie chambart





with the magnificent support of




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